Time Management

An Efficient Way To Personal Growth

There is a way to grow and expand and resolve issues on your mind that is simple, efficient and relatively unknown. This way will hardly take a moment out of your day. I can personally vouch for the fact that what tends to occur is above and beyond many ways I know for creating excellence, happiness and peace of mind.…

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Dream Catcher

You always wanted a vacation home. The idea of jetting off to your own mountaintop retreat or villa on the beach has played out in your daydreams since you were old enough to care what label was stitched into the back of your jeans. But these days owning vacation property comes with a hefty price tag. You have to think…

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Find Out What Kind Of Wedding Gown Suits You

If images of white dresses are dancing in your head, then you must have been recently engaged. Of course, many women have had an image of their wedding in their head since the time they were born, but will the real life live up to your dream? Capturing a personality Although it may seem that all wedding dresses are alike,…

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Applying For Work Abroad

For many people the thought of finding an ideal overseas assignment and then relocating abroad for a few years is a dream. For a few people that dream actually becomes a reality. So what’s the difference between those who dream about making it happen and those who actually find work abroad and experience a whole new exciting lifestyle away from…

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Do Dreams Serve As A Premonition

Being able to foresee an unfortunate fact of life like death, disasters, illnesses, etc. through a dream is very common. Anyone may dream of something good or bad happening to someone else or even to themselves. Do dreams serve as a premonition? Before we proceed in answering the question, let me first give you the definition of premonition and dreams.…

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I Love Owning Dalmatians

I’ve always been a pet lover. Ever since I was a little girl and my parents brought me home my first hamster I have loved animals more than almost anything else. It didn’t take rocket science for me to decide that I wanted to eventually be a veterinarian, so it was no surprise to anyone that I did indeed pursue…

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Web Hosting

Of Frogs And Visionaries

It begins as an idea. Once fully developed, the idea takes on a life that has roots in marketing, research, customer service and personal vision while wrapped in a unique blanket of promise. The growth of the entrepreneurial spirit has much to do with creativity. The following quote is not attributable to any author, but certainly goes to the heart…

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Goal Setting

Goal Setting Adds Purpose To Your Online Business

People used to come to my high school and talk about how important it was to have goals. “You have to set realistic but ambitious goals for your life in order to feel fulfilled with life.” I am paraphrasing, of course, because in high school I was a young punk and never paid attention at those assemblies. I was just…

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Web Hosting

Entrepreneurialism The Job Description

Wanted: Individual willing to take a simple idea and use it to create a viable business for both personal satisfaction and long-term fulfillment. Qualified candidate must have the ability to catch a vision and run with it without the oversight of an advisory board or supervisor. Qualified candidate may have specific training in this idea, but it is not mandatory,…

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Self Improvement

100 Attitude

Your attitude will determine a lot, we’ve all heard the glass half full or glass half empty way off looking at things, both are the same thing, but are vastly different as well. You have the ability to transform your life and reach new heights of success and fulfilment. Whether at this moment in time your attitude is positive, negative…

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