Wealth Building

All About A Forex Quote

Forex Trading – All about a Forex Quote. The word FOREX is derived from the words “FOReign EXchange. Unlike other financial market in the world, Forex is open 24 hours every day where there is always a major financial center open where banks, dealers, hedge funds, corporations, individual investors and speculators are trading currencies. The cumulative buy and sell of…

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Currency Trading


Money. We all need it. We all want it. Trillions and trillions of dollars, pesos, euros, pounds, levs, francs, and more change hands every day for goods and services around the world. Most of us are only familiar with the money that is exchanged for goods and services in our own country and are only concerned with getting more of…

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Wealth Building

Gold Why Isn T It Soaring

I get more emails, letters and phone calls about gold than anything else. An almost religious fervor seems to go along with being a gold bug. My bearish view on gold usually comes as a shock to worshipers. Yet year after year the precious yellow metal refuses to reach for the stars like it is supposed to. Why is this?…

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Wealth Building

Brother Can You Spare A Euro

Since its creation in 2002, the “euro” —-a Frankenstein creation that replaced the former currencies of 12 European countries like France, Germany and Italy— has beaten the socks off the American greenback. Back then, the euro limped out of the gate at a parity with the greenback. It quickly dropped to around 86 cents for every dollar. That was then.…

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Piggy Banks For Grown Ups How To Help Yourself Save

We encourage our kids to use piggy banks to save up for special purchases like bicycles and sneakers, but then we never consider taking our own good advice and employing the same means to save for ourselves as adults. But if anyone needs to save, it’s the grown-ups, even more than the children, because we are the ones with the…

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Understand American Money

Dear ESL Student, The American money system is logical and very easy to use. It is based on the dollar ($1.00), on which all cash and coins are dependent. There are 100 cents in a dollar. Coins are parts of one dollar, for example: a quarter ($0.25) is 1/4 of a dollar, a dime ($0.10) is 1/10th of a dollar,…

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Collecting Coins What Are The Types And Pricing

Mints often come up with coins, medals and tokens that go on to become collector items. Commemorative coins are very common, like coins for the Olympics or some other historically significant event like the landing on the moon by Apollo. A collectible coin has to be examined by the dealer before it can be assigned a price tag. The first…

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The Top Five Morgan Silver Dollars

Why waste everyone’s time? Let’s skip the appetizers and get to the meaty stuff right now: The Morgan silver dollars poised to increase the most in value in the years ahead are the 1895, 1892-CC, 1894, 1878-CC, and the 1883-CC. Pretty bold prediction, eh? At this point, the reader now has three options: (1) Stop reading and act upon this…

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