
Choosing Dog Tags For Your Canine

Remember when you first met your dog? He was fresh and new, and you were just getting to know each other. You went through training together, perhaps even ate together. With time, you and your dog became very close – even closer than you are to a lot of people you know. Your dog is special to you. He might…

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Home Family

Apartment Renting With Pets

If you’re a pet owner who is considering a move to an apartment there are certain things you must be keep in mind. First, whether or not your pet will be accepted by most landlords depends primarily on the type, size and personality of your pet. Dogs: If you own a large dog, apartment living is probably not for you.…

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The Dalmatian A Brief History Of This Breed

The breed was named after Dalmatia, a place in Western Yugoslavia on the Adriatic sea, which at one time was part of Austria. However, the dogs were known in other parts of the world as well long before they acquired the name of Dalmatians. Historians have found references of this beautiful dog since the mid 18th century but also in…

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Health Fitness

Dog Genome May Shed Light On Human Disease

Scientists have succeeded in sequencing the dog genome, an accomplishment that could lead to better health for humans as well as canines. An international team of researchers have published their detailed analysis in the journal Nature. “Of the more than 5,500 mammals living today, dogs are arguably the most remarkable,” says senior author Eric Lander, PhD, director of the Broad…

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Looking After Your Dog Part Nine Dog Grooming

The phrase “dog grooming” conjures up an image of expensive salons for pets. It’s true that your pet does not need fancy haircuts, expensive baths or oil treatments. But shunning away the idea of dog grooming is akin to handling your pet with shortsightedness. Your pet’s appearance is a mirror to its overall health and wellbeing. Lack of grooming may…

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The Truth About Taking Your Dog To The Dog Park

This idea of taking your dog to a dog park is not a good one. Why? Because: #1) It’s not natural for the dog. We’re not talking about human children who need to be socialized with other kids throughout their infancy. Dogs learn dominant and submissive behavior and how to interact with other dogs from 6 to 8 weeks of…

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Dog Training With A Training Collar Or Choke Collar

There are a variety of names that go under the broad heading of “training collar”. Some of them are — choke collar, choke chain, training collar, correction collar and slip collar. These are all training collars and are used by professionals and amateur trainers alike. Training collars are effective tools if they are used properly. Here are a few thoughts…

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Key Points Checklist Before You Buy Your First Dog

Hold on… Are You buying Your first Pet Dog? Do you understand the responsiblities You have assume the moment you plan to buy a pup/dog. A dog can be a great addition to your family as long as you are all in it together. A dog needs lots of attention and training in order to be a joy instead of…

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Looking After Your Dog Part Seven Dog Agility Training

Dog agility is a sport in which a dog runs on a course, laid with intermittent obstacles, under the supervision of its owner or trainer. The sport made its debut as an entertainment event for spectators at the Crufts Dog Show in 1979, and has not looked back since then. Dog agility sport now enjoys immense popularity in England, Western…

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Web Hosting


Dogs in both the East and West are loyal, faithful and honest and always stick to their firm codes of ethics. It’s generally quite trustworthy itself — except for the occasional little white lies the Dog tells in order to make things go more smoothly. The Dog makes a wonderful, discreet and loyal friend and is an excellent listener. This…

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