
Acne Treatment All About Tretinoin

Tretinoin is a retinoid. Retinoids are compounds that are derived from Vitamin A. Tretinoin is applied topically on acne and has been found to be very effective. Let us know more about Tretinoin. Acne treatment with Tretinoin- Tretinoin controls acne effectively by unclogging the pores and promoting the peeling of the affected skin. US FDA approved it in 1971 for…

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Treat That Oral Thrush Now

These days there are many kinds of diseases that are just dismissed by people as if they are not important. Discoloration, spots or rashes in any part of the bodies are deemed as irregularities but are not really candidates for urgent treatment. One such occurrence that can turn into diseases is oral thrush. Some people may not even know that…

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Dangerous Drugs In The News

A number of “dangerous drugs” have been in the news recently. These reports started to surface when Congress was having hearings about the painkiller, Vioxx. A Food and Drug Administration staff member testified in front of Congress that there are safety concerns about several medications. These medications are Accutane, Arava, Bextra, Celebrex, Crestor, Lotronex, Meridia, and Serevent. When you put…

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Self Improvement

Natural Ways For Dealing With Anxiety

Anxiety is a reaction often associated with stress, illness, or even treatment. During an anxiety attack, a person feels overwhelming nervousness, tension, fear, forgetfulness, and panic. Although people experience anxiety as a normal part of life, true anxiety attacks are much different. For instance, if you were interviewing for a new job, you might feel a little anxious or apprehensive…

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Getting Help For Troubled Teens

Do you have troubled teens in your home? If your child is one that does not talk to you, has pulled back out of your family or is continuously ill, there is a need to talk to them. Sometimes, they will blame you. Other times, they have just dug a hole that is so large that they just can not…

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Womens Issues

Baby Boom Icon Sally Field Takes On Osteoporosis

If you’re nearing 60, you have some pretty good company. Actress Sally Field, the seemingly ageless icon of a Baby Boom generation that starts turning 60 this year, has revealed that she has osteoporosis and is leading a public action campaign to inspire women to fight the fragile bone disease. Surprised by her recent diagnosis of osteoporosis, Field chose to…

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Health Fitness

Kids With Asthma Help Them Stay Healthy

Childhood breathing problems can be stressful and frightening for parents. After all, you want your child to be able to play just like every other child. You don’t want him or her to have to live in a bubble or struggle to breathe. Unfortunately, breathing problems–usually related to asthma and allergies–are becoming more and more common in Western countries. Experts…

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