Recreation Sports

How To Start With Scuba Diving

SCUBA stands for Self-Contained-Underwater-Breathing-Apparatus and has become populair the last few years because it’s exciting, a sport for everyone and because the technology has made it easier and easier. You probably remember Jacques Cousteau who has done very well for the SCUBA industry with his wonderful underwater videos. Since his videos and underwater explorations, SCUBA diving has become more and…

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Recreation Sports

To Pee Or Not To Pee

The eternal question of wetsuit urination If it hasn’t happened to you already, it will. You descend to 15 feet, and you’ll feel the sudden urge. You can’t hold it. And there’s no way you can get to a bathroom without spoiling the whole dive. So you consider – if I’m in the water, my urine will just dissipate and…

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Fantastic Grand Cayman Diving Sites And Easy Lessons

Need to Get Away? Thinking of a great get-away with your fins? How about going to those great Grand Cayman diving sites with your friends? The waters are always warm and the scuba diving instructors are certified; plus you enjoy a completely new encounter with exotic underwater species. No other experience can parallel this adventure, so get your gear and…

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Risks And Rewards Of Scuba Diving

There are people who are closer to the mountains and then there are people who feel closer to the ocean or the sea. For those who love the mountains there is rock climbing and for those who love the oceans, there is scuba diving. Most of the beach towns in the world have scuba diving on their menu and offer…

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Recreation Sports

3 Popular Wreck Diving Sites In Britain

While the mention of scuba diving generally brings to mind the image of some exotic tropical dive locale, the United Kingdom has a number of exciting dive spots just waiting to be explored by divers like you. If you have no issues with cold water diving, the following destinations will leave you breathless. Or something like that… One of the…

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Scuba Diving Bali

Despite a series of terrorist bomb attacks in 2002 and 2005 killing hundreds of tourists and locals hitting the tourism industry hard for short periods, the tropical Indonesian island of Bali is still attracting many vacationing tourists. Tourists are attracted by the island’s rustic charms, mystical culture and tradition, spectacular tropical sceneries and beautiful white sandy beaches. Many of these…

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Scuba Diving Locations In Fiji

The islands of Fiji are famous for its spectacular scenery and a world class attraction for sea sports such as big game fishing, snorkeling, sailing and scuba diving. Fiji is a favorite scuba diving location for scuba divers from all over the world and its highlights include a fantastic variety of colorful soft corals, more than 1200 species of fish,…

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