Arts Entertainment

Bean Shaped Kidneys

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs in our bodies vertebrates, they are part of the urinary system. The kidneys are responsible for filtering wastes like urea from the blood system. Once the Kidney has filtered out the waste it excretes them, along with water, as urine. A Humans kidneys are two organs which can be found in the posterior part of…

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Health Fitness

Sexual Health Information 101 Stds

As effective as modern contraception methods are, most protect you from only one kind of risk: unintended pregnancies. But, unplanned parenthood is not the only risk that comes with unsafe and unprotected sex. Practicing unsafe sex also puts you at risk of contacting sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Since condoms are the only known and proven birth control method that…

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How To Live With Diabetes

One of the most dreaded diseases is diabetes. It is a killer disease and it is really very difficult to control. Going by the official US stats, diabetes is the third biggest giant killer among the deadly diseases in the United States of America. The global statistics is also mind-boggling! First things first, how does a person become diabetic? When…

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Elderly Care

What Do You Need To Know About Senior S Health

As one progresses in age, he retreats in health or fitness. Though senior citizens are counseled to stay fit, it is barely the case like. Numerous natural transformations occur in the body as it moves towards fragility. For instance, the bones and muscles lose their potential reducing the stamina of the body, the kidneys and other internal organs start malfunctioning…

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Stress Management

Can Stress Trigger Diseases

Stress is defined as the non-specific response of the body to any demands made upon it. Everyday, in every walk of life, we come across stress. As much as people wish for a stress free life, such a task would be impossible to achieve. Stress is a part and parcel of our lives. Unfortunately, stress does not only produce discomfort,…

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Health Fitness

Defining The Complexities Of Sexual Health

The youth of today enjoy much freedom when it comes to self-expression as compared to the old days when parents decide for their children even to the point of choosing their lifetime partners. Although some families remained conservative and traditional, the rest of society adapts to a fast-paced lifestyle where convention is out of the the rule and individuality is…

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Time Management

The Alexander Technique Fibromyalgia Cfs End Gaining Tension Release And The Four Concepts Of Good Use Part 2

Society has made remarkable medical and scientific advances over the last few hundred years, but there are still many serious diseases that continue to baffle doctors and scientists. Indeed, many “diseases of modern society” are reaching epidemic proportions. These include backache, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis and spinal diseases, asthma and auto-immune conditions, depression, neuroses and insomnia. At the very…

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Caring For Cats

Cat lovers need not feel down in the mouth about protecting their pets from serious disease. In fact, their cat’s mouth is a good place to start. A recent study shows that cats with common forms of oral disease have a higher rate of testing positive for more serious diseases. The good news is that with early detection and proper…

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Alternative Medicine

Prevent Brain Cancer Alternative Treatment

As we know this earth is getting more polluted the human being is more getting captivated to different kinds of diseases. He is becoming more and more moderanised in the same way the diseases are also following him and attacking him in one or the other way. Now a days this cancer has become one of the major deadly disease…

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The Most Common Cat Diseases

Cats get ill even if they are taken care of very well. The cat diseases range from kitty cold to fatal diseases. Some of the most common cat diseases are discussed under: Upper respiratory infection is very common among the cats and is also known as kitty cold by their owners. The symptoms are very similar to the cold of…

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