Home Family

Traveling In Wheelchair

Traveling always give a person the feeling of excitement and fulfillment. Visiting new places, eating at a great restaurant or watching your favorite football game at the stadium is a great way to spend a free time. But for disabled individuals, especially for those in a wheelchair, these activities can be overwhelming and difficult. But there are things disabled people…

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Health Fitness

Wheelchair Armrests And Your Safety

Disabled individuals are often the most disadvantaged group in the society. Although there are laws that requires establishments to apply the necessary adjustment to accommodate these disabled individuals there are still some who neglect to provide the appropriate modification. Nevertheless, throughout the years disabled people have come to adjust to their surroundings and have been given better opportunity. Most disabled…

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Wealth Building

Disability Insurance Things To Remember

Insurance, needless to say, is a very well known word in the whole world. Not only Life insurance, Vehicle insurance, Building insurance, people today go for even body parts insurance, say eyes or voice insurance. And talking about Disability Insurance, it is definitely one of the much sought after types of insurance. This insurance, justifying its name, helps the policyholder…

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Disability Frauds And Anonymous Reporting

The world houses the good and the bad alike, which explains why there are some people who are unscrupulous enough to represent themselves as disabled so as to derive benefits from the government. These are the people who actually make the government be more rigid with their disability determination test, which makes the claims processing cumbersome and slow. The law…

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I Wish It Could Have Been Otherwise

This was written for an academic journal about people with disabilities and what that means concerning their parent-child relationships. As far back as I can remember, I have been hearing voices. It started when I was just three months old. I remember lying on my back in a cold sweat, undergoing nicotine withdrawal (as I found out decades later), my…

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Home Improvement

Bathroom Safety Considerations

Bath safety is one of the important factors that a disable individual needs to consider. But oftentimes this is overlooked because they do not know what bath safety products are available in the market. Each year thousands of accidents happen in bathrooms. That is why it is important to practice bath safety at all times and be aware of things…

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Wealth Building

Disabled In Debt

Disabled people have lower incomes but often have extra costs associated with their impairment. This situation drives two out of five disabled people to seek loans and other forms of credit to meet the demands of higher living costs on a below-average income. The result is that many people are being driven into ‘problem debts’, which are often loans they…

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Health Fitness

Ramp It Up

Today’s lifestyle is highly competitive and difficult especially for disabled persons. Nevertheless, disabled individuals should enjoy the same quality of life that able-bodied individuals experience. Public and private places should be built with ramps and structures that make them accessible even to disabled persons. If your workplace does not have ramps or facilities for disabled individuals, you can talk with…

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