Article Writing

How Compare And Contrast Techniques Can Improve Our Life

In our modern world, we frequently compare and contrast several things, facts, theories, events or personalities. We have been comparing different economical, social and political systems for ages. How we develop this process? How this technique is achieved and perfected? It can be achieved by comparison/contrast technique. One should show similarities in comparing several things, and one should point out…

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We Must Make Our Environment Favorable For Era Transformation

No doubt individual efforts and endeavours are important and they should be respected and encouraged. At times these lone individual efforts are so intense that it not only influences the individual but transforms and influences the cosmic world. Of course these are exceptions but it proves beyond doubt that each human being is God’s prince and that he potentially has…

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Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You

How far can you afford to bend your values to preserve your relationship? How far can you go in giving yourself up to avoid losing your partner? How much of yourself can you afford to sacrifice to not lose someone you love? How do we find the balance between maintaining our integrity and bending our values? Most relationships require us…

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