Weight Loss

Quick Facts On South Beach Diet

It is a fact: we are born in a society where beauty is a powerful asset. It is important, for specially women, to fit that sexy and coveted figure projected by Hollywood. Physical beauty may not mean everything, but it does mean a lot. Who wouldn’t want to get approving stares from eligible bachelors? Who wouldn’t want to be tagged…

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Relational Nutrition Study

Simply, Nutrition is studying the unique relationship between the states of health and disease and diet. Particularly the study of food. Nutrition is so important because lack of neccessary nutrients can allow viruses and diseases to thrive which can lead to illness and even death. Nutrition is mostly based in the middle of the two extremes; that being between prime…

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Health Fitness

Diet And Your Health

In recent years, we have heard more and more about how our diet affect our health , especially in relation to the production of cancers. Research has shown that our diet contains an enormous variety of natural mutagens and carcinogens. It is also apparent that we are ingesting vastly greater qualities of these substances than was previously suspected. Perhaps this…

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss Discipline

Why is it so hard to lose weight and keep it off? We have all heard that weight loss is just a matter of taking in less calories than we expend. That certainly sounds very logical, but is it really that simple? For example, I had an intention of only eating fruits and vegetables for a day or two, to…

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Health Fitness

Diet But Know Your Fats

Margarine, butter, other spreading fats and low fat spreads, cooking oils, oil-based salad dressings, mayonnaise, cream, fried foods including fried chips, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, pastries, cake, puddings, ice-cream, rich sauces and gravies are all in this food group because they contain fat. Like carbohydrates, fats contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Fats are used as a source of energy:…

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Health Fitness

Proven Ways To Lower Cholesterol In Our Body

There are, in fact, many ways of lowering cholesterol which can also lower the risks of stroke and heart attacks. The most effective and proven way is by maintaining a healthy diet. This has been done by most people who have experienced cholesterol level problems. Following a healthy diet is very effective in lowering cholesterol if you learn the appropriate…

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What Is The Glycemic Index

Over the last 30 years, research into food and blood glucose response has completely changed our carbohydrate classification system. It has been learned that it is impossible to predict the impact on blood glucose levels by certain foods, instead people are fed carbohydrate foods and the response measured. This response is known as the Glycemic Index (GI), it is a…

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Weight Loss

Is Losing Weight Via Gastric Bypass For Everyone

Gastric bypass surgery is not about losing weight the easy way and looking good, the operation is about improving health. There are several types of gastric bypass procedures, but all of them involve bypassing part of the small bowel by greater or lesser degrees. Surgical options Gastric bypass procedures involve constructing a gastric pouch whose outlet is a Y-shaped limb…

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