
The Differences Between Laser And Older Radar Detectors

The newest trend with radar detectors is devices that generate laser lights using a semiconductor. This new technology far surpasses the older radar detectors that uses radio signals to detect police. Detectors that use lasers, also known as “ladar,” are the cutting edge and users experience fantastic success with the newer models. Since police now use guns that are a…

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The Differences Between A Soft Hard And Transmit Phone Tap

The phone tap is one of the more common types of surveillance activities. The military, government agencies, and police use phone taps to listen to conversations. Additionally, there are private investigators and amateur spies who each use some sort of phone tap to obtain information. It is even possible for regular people to participate in phone tapping, if they have…

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3 Tips To Buying The Right Radar Detector

There are many radar detectors on the market right now. Each one of them claims to have a single best feature. Some detect from the longest distance, while others claim to detect the most radar bands. Others claim to have the highest degree of accuracy and can tell the distance and direction of the radar gun. With all these different…

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All You Need To Know About Hair Follicle Drug Testing

Hair sample drug testing is a great way to detect whether or not a person has used drugs in the past 90 days. Whether in an office format or in the home, hair drug testing serves the purpose of answering questions about an individual’s drug use history. How Does Hair Follicle Drug Testing Work? Hair drug testing is actually quite…

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Home Security

Bug Detectors Get Smaller

As technology becomes more and more sophisticated, virtually every type of electronic device becomes even more miniaturized. This is especially true of the spy technology that is available on the market today. As the various types of spy equipment that is used to listen, record and photograph have gotten phenomenally smaller, so have the devices that are used to detect…

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