
Gain Confidence By Waging War On Your Inner Demons

This article is about how to gain confidence and how to increase self-esteem. I am a person who used to be a very negative thinker, I would always believe that I would fail in whichever task I was attempting to do. I have to say that I did not really like myself and seemed to be constantly down and depressed.…

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Arts Entertainment

Prue The Super Witch Who Had Trouble With Doing Magic

Being the eldest sibling certainly has its dues. This is especially true with Prudence “Prue” Halliwell, the eldest of three sister-witches. Together with her sisters Phoebe and Piper, they constitute the strongest union of witches and, thus, have been called the Charmed Ones. Since they were toddlers, the sisters had already used their powers while playing tag or whenever they…

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