
Defensive Driving Drive And Survive

Defensive Driving techniques are increasingly seen as necessary by professional drivers. There are a lot of unskilled and reckless drivers on our roads today and drivers who drive defensively are less likely to be involved in an accident with one. What is Defensive Driving? Essentially it is driving your vehicle correctly, while at the same time adjusting your driving to…

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Recreation Sports

Making The Right Plays In Basketball

Every basketball team’s goal is to improve their skills or their game and play well. It is important that the team has confidence before they set foot on the floor or court. But how can the team acheive confidence? The answer is preparation. Through preparation, the team gains confidence. The team can prepare through practice. Practicing skills and team plays…

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Trucks Suvs

Five Good Reasons To Take A Defensive Driver Course

You’re probably like the majority of people driving motor vehicles on our roads – careful, responsible and courteous to other drivers. So you might ask yourself, why take a defensive driver course? Well, there are a few very good reasons, as you are about to find out. Reason #1 (by far) – You Could Save Your Life Taking a defensive…

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Trucks Suvs

Defensive Driving Courses

Defensive driving courses generally help an individual to hone up his driving skills even if he has had his license before and is an experienced driver. The basic concept behind such a course is to make an individual trained so that he could react to the mistakes made by other drivers on the road and avoid an accident. Defensive driving…

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Trucks Suvs

Defensive Driving The Basics

Defensive driving is probably the best way to ensure the safety of you, your passengers and your vehicle. Defensive driving describes the skill of being able to operate a motor vehicle in such a way that reduces the chance of being involved in an accident. The basic idea is simple – It involves being aware of, and taking various steps…

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Recreation Sports

Playing Better Soccer

Meticulous practice, an improved sense of controlling the ball and effective use of the multitude soccer skills during a match differentiates players who can play ‘better’ soccer from average players who can merely “kick a ball”. If you want to become the next Diego Maradona , Ronaldinho or even Tony Philliskirk you need to adopt lightning quick attacking skills, fearless…

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Trucks Suvs

Defensive Driving Techniques The Eyes Have It

Not that we recommend trying it, but you can’t drive very far with your eyes closed without running off the road or hitting something! Many other physical impairments can be overcome in order to drive safely, but impaired vision may be a real handicap in adopting defensive driving techniques. If you drive, the health of your eyes, or sight, should…

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Choosing Quality Self Defense Training

Everyone could use self defense training. Why? Because you could be the victim of a violent crime, regardless of your age, sex, or size. Even in rural communities that were once thought of as “safe,” children are abducted, women are raped, and men are robbed. As much as the world might like to ignore it, crime is a scary reality…

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