
How Do You Move From A Rut To A Groove

A rut and a groove are both furrows. But a rut is boring, uninteresting and can be depressing. Whereas being in the groove is good fun and energising. And being in the groove is a getting the best out of yourself. Where are you at the moment? In a Rut or a Groove? A rut is caused by having your…

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Fun And Learning A Deeper Connection

For 15 years I’ve taught trainers and leaders and instructional designers the importance of making any learning event more fun. I’ve given them reasons and ways to do it. I’ve written about it many times including All of the things I have taught and techniques I have used are valuable and helpful. And they aren’t enough. The training techniques and…

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Law Of Attraction How To Make It Very Easy

Every thing is easy after you learn the ins and outs of how it works. There are those who think the law of attraction has no validity and there are those who believe that the law of attraction rocks. Guess what!? Both people are correct, because whatever one believes determines what that one will experience in his reality. Despite the…

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Internet Marketing

An Internet Marketing Guru S True Story

Get Gone starts out as jottings of the traumatic few days in the breakdown of a long relationship between two soul mates and lovers. One who dreams and an Internet marketing guru who deals with reality. Get Gone tells of how the desires of one consumed and depleted the other. Get Gone tells of illusions, spirits and black magic. Get…

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Health Fitness

The Inability To Use Cpap For The Entire Night

On many nights, new CPAP users begin their night with a good effort by using their CPAP. Sometimes, however, compliance is not continued throughout the night. The inability to use CPAP for the entire night is a great disservice to your health. The greater part of REM sleep, the most restful part of sleep, is toward the end of the…

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