Interior Design

The Decor Is Totally Up To You

If you are beginning the process of building a new home or of moving into a different home, then you are well aware of what a process that is. It seems like there are an endless amount of decisions to be made and choices to be had. One of the biggest yet most overlooked decisions in the moving process is…

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Home Improvement

Decorate The Outdoors

You don’t have to limit yourself to decorating the inside of your home. Your patio and yard are extensions of your home, and have unique opportunities to allow you to express yourself and your sense of style. Of course, they present unique challenges as well. Much of your outside decor will be seasonal. The furniture may have to be stored…

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Home Improvement

Bedroom Decor And Bedding

Designing the space in your home can be some of the most rewarding work that you can undertake. Your decor can reflect your spirit and style, and done correctly, it can speak to your very soul. The most intimate space, and perhaps the most important, is the bedroom. Unfortunately, it is most often overlooked as it is not regularly seen…

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