Home Improvement

Upvc Patio Door Lock Cylinder Replacement

There have been a number of reports in the press and on television recently about a weakness in the locks on UPVC doors. In some areas of the UK, notably West Yorkshire, Police are reporting that this weakness is clearly being exploited by thieves. This is a growing problem throughout the country. No special tools are needed and a burglar…

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Mini Moto Engines

Industrial engines. They are still used by several manufacturers (most notably Blata on their entry level bike) and typically produce between 2.5 and 3.5 horse power (hp). All are air-cooled. Tuning and performance parts are very limited. The Chinese 47/49cc. These engines are used in the Chinese made mk2, and mk3 minimotos. They are air cooled and produce between 2.5…

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Product Reviews

Roll Up Bag Irons Out Wrinkle Problem

Savvy travelers know the trick of rolling their clothes when they pack to reduce wrinkles and save space. This usually works for smaller, casual articles of clothing, such as tops and jeans. But what if you had to pack a suit? And if you are taking a short trip for business, how do you fit your business attire into an…

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Trucks Suvs

Fuel Efficient Cars

The recent developments with the correlation with global warming and carbon emissions from cars, has prompted large car companies to rethink their strategies and technologies when it comes to selling cars. With people’s choices tending towards environmentally friendly there is overwhelming evidence that the most popular cars are no longer the big V8’s or V6’s but the smaller 4 cylinder…

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Trucks Suvs

Diesel Engine Principles For Beginners

Diesel engine principles are pretty straight forward for the experienced mechanic but what about regular everyday people who have never taken the time to find out more about a diesel engine and how it works? I am going to explain in layman’s terms the basic principles of a diesel engine. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GASOLINE ENGINE AND A DIESEL…

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