
Tinnitus Nearing Epidemic Status

Every year, millions of ordinary people with diverse lifestyles, develop a ringing in their ears. The condition is called tinnitus. According to the American Tinnitus Association, as many as 50 million Americans may be suffering with tinnitus. So many people are afflicted with tinnitus, that it is reasonable to assume it has become a top priority of the medical community.…

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Health Fitness

Ocd Victim Why We Do What We Do

Where does an OCD sufferer begin to start? to explain what compels them to do the things that are slowly destroying them inside or the people around them. Catch 22 Do you suffer in silence to please your loved ones or show them the door? Being an OCD sufferer for as long as I can remember has left me a…

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Acne Cures And Myths

Unfortunately, few find it, but this is only because they haven’t found the right acne cure for them. Each of us is different, and our bodies function and respond to treatment differently. What works for some, may not work for others. However, there are a few proven treatments that do provide an acne cure for a large majority of acne…

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Disease Illness

Understanding The Autoimmune Disorder Crohn S Disease

Crohn’s disease is a systemic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of unknown cause, that results in chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract. It can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, and can also cause complications outside of the gastrointestinal tract. The incidence of Crohn’s disease in North America is 6:100 000, and is thought to be similar in…

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Alternative Medicine

Homeopathic Home Remedies

Growing up it seemed that no matter what was wrong with my brother and I, my mom always had something with a nasty taste or smell that would heal any cuts and scrapes and I swear if I came home with plague she would have made some kind of bubbling potion that would cure it. Tea with Lemon: The first…

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Reference Education

Cure Eczema Naturally

I have suffered, a lot, from seborrhea but managed to completely cure it. It was not an easy task to perform. The first thing I did, as we all do, was the ordinary treatment but when ever I stopped it returned. The worse part was that after a few months it had no affect and I had to change the…

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The Truth About Postpartum Depression

Tom Cruise and Brooke Shields are currently engaging in a word war against each other because of a type of depression, called postpartum depression. Cruise’s and Brooke’s debacle started when Tom Cruise openly disapproved of Brooke Shield’s personal choice of opting to take prescribed medicines to cure her postpartum depression, when he guested at the Today Show. According to Cruise,…

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Acne Cure For Sure

If you are already tired of your acne, you may resort to finding expensive acne treatments or you may try some surgical procedures. But these things are so expensive and you don’t know if both will be successful. Here are some easy tips for acne cure and avoidance: 1. Regular Exercise Regular exercise can help in acne cure by fighting…

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