
Filtering Out The Lies

The internet is filled with information and every second of every hour of every day, new information is being poured into the forever-growing network. Whether the source can be from a research scientist involved in finding some new breakthrough discovery to a young child in her school’s computer lab, information can be inputted by just about anyone who has the…

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Crosses And Other Religious Symbols

Many people use crosses and other religious symbols to demonstrate their beliefs. The use of the cross as a religious symbol predates Christianity by many years. Early religious crosses were found in Scandinavia, where they were symbols of the god Thor. In Babylon, a cross adorned with a crescent moon symbolized a moon god, while a sun god was represented…

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Why You Should Settle For An Elliptical Cross Trainer

Elliptical cross trainers are simply one of the bestsellers in the fitness market today. Want to know why? Because it is so easy to assemble, simple to operate, and gives the body a full workout. And who could possibly say no to an absolutely no impact routine? Do you need more convincing to buy an elliptical cross trainer instead of…

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What S The Difference Between Ordinances And Commandments

There seems to be a lot of confusion among Christians about the need to follow the Ten Commandment law of God. Many have been unable to differentiate between the ceremonial law, also called the Ordinances, that were done away with at the cross, and the Ten Commandments, which are eternal. This misunderstanding has led some to conclude that all Ten…

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Current Events

Katrina Questions Anyone Got Answers

I wrote a very positive article about the responses to Katrina for Entitled “New Orleans My Home – Katrina My Nightmare” and another article “Katrina What It Is Like To Be An Evacuee” In both articles I endeavored to stay on the upside and we aren’t complaining to anyone but today was the straw that broke…etc Everyone it seems,…

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Elliptical Trainers

The Cintura 2000 Elliptical Cross Trainer

When you think about elliptical equipment, we are sure the Cintura 2000 elliptical cross trainer is not a common elliptical machine that you have ever heard about. In fact, the Cintura 2000 elliptical cross trainer is a machine that has some very good benefits for less then seven hundred dollars. The reason you may not have heard about the Cintura…

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Web Hosting

Collecting Cross Stitch Magazines

Some people have a passion for cross stitch and devote their attentions to their handicraft and create marvelous items for family and friends. Some of these people, typically women, have been collecting cross stitch magazines for years because they love the patterns that are included in each magazine issue. Some of the patterns that people find by collecting cross stitch…

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Write Real Write Now With Cross Fountain Pens

We are quickly becoming a pen-less and paperless society. In the same way that typewriters reduced the need for writing, computers have reduced the need for paper. In the past, writing a novel, filling out tax forms, or even making a grocery shopping list required putting pen to paper. Today, those same tasks can be done by putting fingers to…

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