
You Are Your Own President

Congratulations! You are the president of your own nation, and it is called “Imagination”. This particular nation is the driving force behind your life and is the underlying factor for your future. You need to realize that you have an enormous responsibility as the President of this Nation, because you need to always focus on the future and strive to…

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Web Hosting

Can I Make Blogging My Business

Through your blog, you may be able to find a publisher for your next book. You may have never though about writing a book before, but blogging is not much different from writing a book. Your readers can help you sharpen your writing skills, if you pay attention to their feedback. Once you published your book, use your blog to…

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Home Family

8 Ways To Create A Happy Family

You might disagree and say, “Lori Prokop what are you writing now?” But hear me out on this. I believe finding happiness and success are more than just money. If you are not finding happiness in your family, this is to remind you that you have the power to improve your life within your family. Here are Lori Prokop’s 8…

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Improving Sports Perfomance With Hypnosis

Practise makes perfect, that’s what my old Nan always used to say. However, what she failed to mention, is the importance of practising things going the way you want them to go, instead of considering what to do if it does go wrong. How many times do you ask yourself “What’s the worst that could happen?!” For athletes though, it…

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Self Improvement

Personal Development Tips For Manifestation

If you have studied personal development or self improvement for a while then you will be aware that that your thoughts are things – real tangible things. In fact they are the most powerful things in existence because they influence everything that occurs in your life? In fact the very world that we now live in is the sum total…

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Site Promotion

Networking Through Strategic Alliances

Networker’s know that you always get back more from your network then you have to give to it. However, that should not stop you from thinking about new ways you can help the people in your network. Your network is full of people who would like to partner with you, though neither of you may have approached the idea or…

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