
Take The Information Superhighway To Driving Safely

Whether you’re thinking of buying a new car or just doing some research on your current one, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a Web site that can help in several ways. Easy Access to Safety Ratings One of the site’s most convenient features is the 5 Star Crash Test and Rollover Ratings search…

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What Expert Rc Helicopter Pilots Know

Should You Get A Quiet RC Helicopter? Serious rc pilots prefer noise and price over silence economy and most of all convenience. The complexity of the engine makes it more attractive to those who want to enjoy the real experience of flying a helicopter. Flying gas RC Helicopter could also be treated as your stepping stone into flying a real…

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Stock Market

The Interesting History Of The Stock Market

Talking about the Stock Market we seem to mean a different dimension, not a physical location. However, the Stock Market does have physical locations. Wall Street, also known as the Dow, or the NYSE, is located in New York Wall Street is the Address(or is it?) Many people think of Wall Street and the Stock Market as one in the…

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Movie Reviews

Crash Dvd Review

Nominated for six Academy Awards, and winner of Best Picture, Crash is more than deserving of the critical acclaim surrounding its release. Probing the deepest recesses of racism, prejudice, and discrimination in modern day America, the film forces viewers to examine their own tendencies to create and foster stereotypes. More importantly, it does so in a way that doesn’t accuse,…

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