
All About French Speaking Countries

The French Language Roughly around 200 million people around the world speak French. This number includes people who speak French as a native language, as a second language and students of all ages who do not live in a francophone (French-speaking) country but have learned French. In fact French as a foreign language is the second most commonly taught language…

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Martial Arts

The martial arts are widely perceived in North America as a form of sport. Parents enroll children in karate classes to instill a sense of discipline. Adults train in martial arts to learn self-defense techniques. Many in the western world strive to obtain a black belt, thinking that this is the pinnacle of their training and education. In eastern countries,…

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Travel Tips

How To Avoid Legal Difficulties When Traveling Overseas

When you are in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws and are under its jurisdiction. You can be arrested overseas for actions that may be either legal or considered minor infractions in the United States. Familiarize yourself with legal expectations in the countries you will visit. Country Specific Information include information on unusual patterns of arrests in…

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German Laws Affecting Travelers

Know the German Laws Germany’s popularity as a world-renowned vacation destination continues to grow exponentially. Each year, more people visit Germany from hundreds of countries spread throughout the world. Over 2.2 million Americans made Germany their choice for travel in the first six months of 2006 alone. Your travels throughout this magnificent country can be enhanced greatly by knowing a…

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Health Fitness

Travel Warning On Drugs Abroad Just Say No

During 1994, 2,500 Americans were arrested in 95 foreign countries. Of these, 880 ended up in jails abroad because they assumed they couldn’t get arrested for drug possession. From Asia to Africa, Europe to South America, Americans are finding out the hard way that drug possession or trafficking equals jail in foreign countries. There is very little that anyone can…

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National Identification Cards What S The Purpose

There are many reasons why countries, small and large, are reviewing the needs for national identification cards. Many of the reasons have to do with immigration, border control and some are simply economic. When considering national identification cards for a country, it’s fairly simple to understand the perceived need to clearly identify someone’s nationality for reasons from employment to citizenship…

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The European Bank For The Retardation Of Development

In typical bureaucratese, the pensive EBRD analyst ventures with the appearance of compunction: “A number of projects have fallen short of acceptable standards (notice the passive, exculpating voice – SV) and have put the reputation of the bank at risk”. If so, very little was risked. The outlandish lavishness of its City headquarters, the apotheosis of the inevitable narcissism of…

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Real Estate

Less People Are Renting Homes In Europe

Over the last 20 years there have been significant changes in the choices people are making in whether they wish to rent or own their house, flat or apartment. In the early 1980’s West European countries averaged between 50% and 60% of homes owner occupied as opposed to rented. However as years progress into the early 2000s there have been…

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Viking S Trip

Scandinavia occupies the Northern part of Europe and includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. These countries have a lot in common, so often it is recommended to visit them during one trip. May be next time you’ll be back to know one of them better. The beginning point of trip will depend of where you come from. If you…

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Travel Leisure

Cheap International Travel Secrets

What is the real secret to cheap international travel? it’s the same as the secret to doing anything for less. Learn to be an opportunist. Opportunistic travelers get to travel more, see more & do more. Of coursework, you can ignore this advice if you have unlimited currency. I went to Ecuador because it was cheap. Honestly, are not there…

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