Personal Finance

Savings Accounts Retire In Style

We all look forward to the day when we can give up work – but to ensure your retirement is comfortable you will need to prepare for it carefully. Putting a proportion of your earnings towards a pension may seem like a drag right now, but realistically you will need to save for as long as possible to gain a…

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American History

Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes when a country is just getting organized, its citizens are considered to be uneducated, out of touch or primitive. But exactly opposite was the truth when the great American experiment began to take shape. The world did not see America as provincial or simple and that is due to a large part to the work of the man many…

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Personal Finance

Saving For Post Secondary Education

Post secondary education is very expensive in North America and unless you are fairly wealthy will be a worry for most parents. Obviously, not all kids go onto University or College but if they do and you haven’t planned for it you could find yourself with a large financial burden. This would probably happen just when most families are looking…

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