
Are You Looking For Signs Of Infertility

Trying to conceive is a difficult process for many people. The reason is that there are many factors involved in conception. You cannot tell if you or your partner is infertile unless you visit a doctor. There are a number of medical tests that your doctor can perform to detect infertility. There are also methods and products that the doctor…

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Womens Issues

Fertility After Forty

The most fertile years of a woman’s life are those between 18 and 28. Even into the mid-thirties, it is usually fairly easy to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. During these years the hormones that control ovulation, enhance conception, and ensure a healthy pregnancy are usually made easily and in generous quantities. And detrimental life-style choices have not…

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Health Fitness

The Roots Of Contraception

Even before, women have already used birth control to avoid pregnancy especially if she had children. Pregnancy is considered as a dangerous business for women even before the advent of modern medicine, and many women have died because of this occurrence. Most of the birth control methods that were developed were done so with trial and error, and some of…

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