Web Hosting

What Do You Know About Running A Restaurant

Having your own restaurant is one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable business ventures. Food is a renewable commodity. This means that people won’t stop looking for different sources of food because dining out is entertaining as well as functional. Many people dream of owning their own restaurants, whether it is fast food, coffee shops or gourmet. In reality, many…

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The Risks Of Entrepreneurship

The “spark” for many entrepreneurs is seeing an opportunity that doesn’t yet exist. Ted Turner, for example, launched CNN because he perceived that people wanted more television news than they were being offered. It took a lot of patience on Turner’s part to realize the vision, but he had read the market in a way that few “experts” did at…

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Web Hosting

Picture Bait What Does The Term Really Mean

The term Picture Bait was born on December 30th, 2006. It was coined by Michael Gray, aka Graywolf. Michael Gray has been a full-time SEO since October 2004. Before we discuss Picture Bait, it is important that you have an understanding of its predecessor Link Bait. According to Wikipedia, Link Bait is “any content or feature within a web site…

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Multi Table Poker Tournament Tips

You want to enter a limit tournament so you have to have in mind the gap concept. This is the most obvious change you will have o consider when revising your strategy for a tournament like this. You will pay mare attentions to actually winning every pot you get into and the pot odds will be somewhat disregarded here. This…

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The Power Of Imagination

Dear fellow entrepreneurs, while reading some very informative information on the internet, I came across a really intriguing concept of creativity and imagination. In it’s application to marketing strategies, imagination is often one of the most powerful aspects that can be applied to internet business ventures. In just a few words, I’ll explain the power that lies within the use…

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Article Marketing

The 46 Year Old Domain Virgin

A very successful entrepreneur recently gave me an article from Business 2.0 talking about Domaining. As many of you know, I invest in oil wells and other things that give me passive income. When I wrapped my mind around the concept of domaining and domain monetization, I have to admit I got pretty excited. I always thought domaining was simply…

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Real Estate

Changing Times Of Land Investments Uk

Times seem to be changing in “Land Investments Uk” after the Kent Land Scams, Sussex Land Scams and London Land Scams, owe to the initiatives taken by the people of Sussex Farmland, that now companies have started refunding to the dissatisfied customers, which means, that if you are unhappy with your investment in Land you will be refunded your investment…

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The Gift Of Online Dating

The advent of internet technology and business ideas that find expression within the paradigms of the industry, have resulted in enhanced interactions between people from all over the world. The interactions may be with different intent, but the opportunities to be tapped are always many. The reason for online dating being a profitable indulgence, personally, is that it is basically…

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Internet Business

Get Paid To Surf The Next Big Thing

The latest concept for the internet entrepreneur is pay to surf. Do I mean you get paid to sit on your butt and surf web pages? Yes, absolutely! I know many people would think it impossible to get double digit returns on their money daily, but that is in fact what is promised by these sites. How do they work?…

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Internet Marketing

Secret Yet Powerful Marketing Weapon Revealed

So you’ve tried direct mail, advertising, you’ve got a web site, maybe you’ve even tried networking as a marketing strategy. These and many other marketing strategies are all good and if performed properly will most likely bring you favorable results. A word to the wise here though, some of them can run you a fortune in marketing costs. And in…

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