
Feature Overload–Why Consumer Electronics Are So Complicated

It seems like everything is so complicated these days, especially anything electronic … which is more and more products everyday. Why are they so complex? “Hey, our cell phone takes pictures, sharpens knives, mows the lawn, pays your bills, steers your car, and cooks dinner, all by voice command!” Give us a break! Unfortunately, the reason so many electronic products…

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Stock Market

Struggling To Identify The Direction Of The Market

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The Failure Is Sundered Within

The failure is sundered within each of us, it festers as blame to others, a manifestation of the shame that belongs not to ourselves but of the participants of a deadlier game. Yet innately the affectation begins with our own visceral manumission of guilt, and sadly, empirically lies buried in our own personal failings. We ponder all that which seems…

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Chopped Bikes Cool And Confident

The latest rage is not a mountain bike with a new set of gears, or a road bike made of lighter material, but rather lowrider bikes – low seats, high handlebars, and lots and lots of chrome. As the world around us continues to become more and more complicated, even our toys become more complicated – for example our mountain…

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