
Stamp Collecting Fun For All Ages

Stamp collecting is considered a fun activity for many people, both adults and children. It provides the enjoyment of collecting different types of stamps whether they may be found in ordinary binders or through received mail. For some it is an exciting hobby. Beginners are often fond of collecting as many different kinds of stamps as possible until they realize…

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What Is Philately Stamp Collecting

Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps. Usually, stamp collection begins with the acquisition of a first couple of stamps and the…

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Customer Service

10 Critical Decisions For Successful E Discovery Part 1

The Information Management Journal/September / October 2007- Today’s explosion of electronic data, coupled with the December 2006 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) concerning electronically stored information (ESI), requires information and legal professionals to expand their knowledge about handling electronic discovery. The recent changes to the FRCP include: * Definitions and safe harbor provisions for the routine…

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Debt Collection

If you have a credit card, you may have heard from debt collectors more than once, reminding you that you are late with your payment. Most times you may find them annoying reminders. While debt collection is subjected to a regulation known as the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act, you are not dismissed from your obligation to pay your debt.…

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Debt Consolidation

The Debt Negotiation Process

The debt negotiation process is a strategic and a timely matter. There are many contributing factors to consider, in order of ACHIEVING successful negotiations. First off, you must verify the delinquency status. A creditor is more likely to engage in negotiations according to the age of the account, in an attempt to avoid a net loss. (A debt is written…

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What Is Collection Agency

Time Is of the Essence Successful debt collection begins with immediate action. It is never a good idea to wait more than 90 days to begin trying to recover debt on past-due accounts. This is where a good collection agency comes into play. The agency will immediately begin communications with your debtor through phone calls and mailed letters. If they…

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Arts Entertainment

Collectible Pewter Figurines Are Child Friendly

Children often enjoy collecting items just as much as adults do. They may want delightful figurines but parents are often hesitant due to the cost of them and the risk of such items getting broken. A good solution is to consider buying pewter figurines because they are in expensive and they won’t break. Your child can be rough with them…

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