Womens Issues

Menopause And Osteoporosis

We know that our bodies require calcium and vitamin D in order to build and maintain powerful bones. According to his recent book entitled, “Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis,” by Dr. Alan Gaby, it takes more vitamins than we think to prevent brittle bones including Vitamins K and B; as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, silica and boron.…

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Disease Illness

Chronic Scleroderma

What is Scleroderma? – Scleroderma is a chronic disease characterized by excessive deposits of collagen. In order to better understand Scleroderma it helps if you have some understanding as to what collagen is. What is Collagen? – Collagen is a fibrous protein that occurrsn bone, cartilage and connective tissue. It is a major structural protein that forms molecular cables to…

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