Article Writing

Helping Clients Overcome Their Writer S Block

If you write for a living, that is, if you write articles for clients you often have heard about writer’s block. Personally, I think the topic is overdone and simply something that comes about when the author is too tired, distracted, or simply not interested in the topic at hand [oh, yes…this does happen!] On the other hand, do your…

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Web Design

10 Step Web Design And Development Contract Agreement

This is not written by a professional lawyer or anyone close to one. It is written by a typically business owner of a successful web development company who has no law degree or the budget to hire a lawyer to write a web development contract. However, they are in need of a contract agreement that will assure a project will…

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Web Design

What Clients Want

A potential client calls and wants a website, as a web developer you are more then happy to help. You show them your work, explain how your work is better then the rest and sell the person on the importance of Web Standards. Do you think that a client wants to hear all about Web Standards? Most likely they do…

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Time Management

Psychics Can Help Activate Others As Psychics

Known by many who’ve found help with criminal investigations, missing persons, healing treatments and much more, psychics have been reported to possess many abilities, as noted by research presented by the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), a non-profit organization in the United Kingdom, founded in 1882, boasting more than 5,000 members and average revenues of 5.2 million pounds each year.…

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Web Hosting

Seo An Ethical Appeal

If you use a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm to help increase your sites visibility to search engines you should be aware that one of the simplest ways unscrupulous firms use to manage a meteoric rise to the number one spot is simply through Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. Essentially you pay an SEO firm to place advertising in such…

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Your Lenders Are Spying On Your Clients

As mortgage brokers we are always in jeopardy of losing our customers to the lenders we work with. We deal with our clients for a short amount of time, but the lender is in constant communication with them for years. And whenever your customers are asked who their mortgage company is, they will usually answer the name of their lender.…

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Time Management

How To Find A Good Hypnotherapist

When it comes to finding a good hypnotherapist, it’s much the same as anything else. You need to use the resources at your disposal and apply a certain amount of common sense along the way. As a professional, there’s no greater compliment than a referral. If someone recommends me to another potential client, it’s because they’ve had a good, positive…

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Computers Technology

Extranets For Advertising Agencies

Ideally, clients and agencies have aligned interests, and they usually do. Today there are real challenges to that important alignment, forcing clients and agencies to look for new and better ways to collaborate. Enter easy-to-use, web based extranets. What is an extranet? Specifically, an extranet is a private web site that provides a secure environment for a select group of…

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