Reference Education

Is Affirmative Action In Jeopardy On College Campuses

Affirmative action and other set-asides for minorities and women have come under increasing fire in recent years. These programs, first started decades ago, were once a given in higher education for everything from admission to financial aid. Today, women and minority students cannot count on the same level assistance from affirmative action that their parents may have received. The backlash…

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Personal Injury Accident Types

Personal Injury – Accident Types What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin × Share this post! Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin Pinterest Messenger Reddit Telegram Tumblr VKontakte Email


Jesus King Of Kings

With Christmas just around the corner our thoughts turn naturally to the birth of Jesus. Most people think of Jesus as a teacher and a healer, and of course they would be right. The Bible also tells us that God promised King David a son who would reign over Israel for ever. That son was Jesus Christ. We often forget…

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Tax Deductions For Your 2005 Hybrid Automobile

With the recent push by President Bush for alternative fuel strategies, much confusion has arisen regarding tax incentives for hybrid vehicles. This article clarifies the issue for you. Tax Deductions for Your 2005 Hybrid Automobile People buy hybrid vehicles for different reason. They are good for the environment. They get much better mileage, which saves money. There are tax incentives…

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Real Estate

Home Appreciation And Capital Gains

The last seven years has seen tremendous appreciation in home prices. This brings up the issue of home capital gains tax issues for people when they sell. Home Appreciation and Capital Gains Owning home is considered part of the American Dream. Unless you are extremely unlucky, homeownership leads to tremendous wealth building. You simply sit in your home, make the…

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7 Auto Insurance Tips

1> Raising your deductible Deductible is the amount you pay from your pocket before making an insurance claim. The disadvantage of raising your claim is when you make a claim, you will pay more. However, if you are a safe driver, you will overtime save more money by raising your insurance deductible. Look at your previous insurance claim history and…

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Getting Reimbursed For Your Pain And Suffering In A Car Accident

Strong, and you’re going to be paid for your loss by Strong’s employer, Rock Solid Insurance. A good portion of it will be for your “Pain and Suffering”. That is, in the lingo of insurance claim settlements, your “Compensatory Damages”. Let’s talk about that: BODILY INJURY PAIN: How much pain can an individual stand? The answer to that is: Reaction…

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Wealth Building

How To Make A Successful Car Insurance Claim

Your car has been damaged in a motor accident. What you do next and how you handle your insurance claim will likely determine how successful your claim is. If you’ve been injured, or your car has been damaged in an motoring accident, here are some tips to help your car insurance claim proceed smoothly so that you get paid out…

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