
How To Make Your Own Cider

People here in Chicago stepped outside this week to falling leaves, (rapidly) cooling temperatures, and that crisp scent in the air that could only mean one thing: Fall is really here. And with the brisk weather, falling leaves, and Halloween decorations comes another fall staple: apple cider. Yes, cider! That sometimes clear, sometimes murky, dry-or-sweet-or tart libation that Americans drank…

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Types Of Beer

The word “beer” is often used as a generic noun used to describe a cold refreshing beverage. For example, “Hiya Mike, let’s go for a beer.” However, beer lovers around the world will heartily agree that there’s nothing generic about beer. When it comes to types of beer, there are many, many options to choose from. It’s impossible to say…

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Acne Skin Treatments

Before you visit a dermatologist, there is much that you can do for your acne skin. Of course, remember that what works for someone else may not always work for you. Everyone’s skin is different in the first place and the cause of acne may not also be the same. You can always start off by using over the counter…

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