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Vertical Platform Lifts In Church

Vertical Platform Lifts are like small scale elevators that connect areas of different elevation so that they are accessible to people in wheelchairs or those who are mobility challenged. One of the most common places to find these life saving devices is at church. Many churches are in buildings that have been around for many years. Often times these buildings…

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Venice The Floating City

For a millennium, Venice has provided inspiration for artists and writers. This coveted city is made up of 118 islands linked by 453 bridges. Each corner of town exhibits individual architectural magnificence, the city combining as one to form a spectacular theatrical stage set. Beautiful churches adorn the banks of the Grand Canal as she snakes her way through the…

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Travels Through Cyprus

The old goat herder stands before his flock. Stick in hand, he bears the look of experience. His beaten old hat keeps the sun off his unshaven face. His weathered trousers have seen better days and wear a belt, crudely tied around his waist. His braces are actually two of the elastic straps you use to tie your luggage to…

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France At 200 Kph Of Grandmothers Lyon And Rain

In my teens, I traveled to France with my mother, father and grandmother for a month of sightseeing with a rental car. Michael Schumacher and Formula 1 have nothing on my father and our Opel rental car. American fathers have an interesting if somewhat aggravating habit on trips. Yes, I am talking about the desire to see everything there is…

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