
Now An Easier Way To Visit China

China’s popularity as a vacation destination is booming. Not only is China a new World Trade Organization member and host to the 2008 Summer Olympics, the country is also projected to soon be the number-one travel destination, according to the World Tourism Organization. City Tourist Attractions This fascinating country has much to offer travelers. China’s capital of Beijing is home…

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Tea Drinking Green Tea

The art of brewing and drinking green tea has been around for centuries. In fact, green tea has been used for many different tea ceremonies in China and Japan. In these countries, there are rituals that must be followed and tools that must be used in brewing tea to be served to guests. The Japanese tea ceremony, for example, is…

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Expand Your Global Horizons Travel To Taiwan

To Travel to Taiwan is to Understand Diversity A gem in the China Seas, Taiwan embodies a unique entangling of ancient and modern, East and West. From the bustling commercial center of the capital city, Taipei, to the cascading volcanic mountains of Yushan National Park, Taiwan offers the world traveler an unmatched experience. It is no coincidence that Portuguese explorers…

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Beijing Major Tourist Attractions

Beijing is the capital of china and is one of the most visited cities in Asia. It offers tourists an almost limitless number of places to see and things to do. It is a very busy metropolis that mixes modern living with ancient history unlike any other city in the world. The cities main attraction is the “Forbidden City”. It…

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Precious Metals Heat Up Silver Set To Join Gold

For the last two years, I have been purchasing and recommending precious metals against an inevitable currency crisis. Since my last report, gold has added another $50 per ounce and is now topping $600. The gold rally is just getting warmed up, and I firmly believe it will continue at least through 2007. I predict that we will see its…

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White Tea Considered As One Of The Most Expensive Tea In China

Earlier studies have shown that green tea motivates the immune system to fight disease. Research shows White Tea extract can really demolish in vitro the organisms that cause disease. Study after study with tea extract proves that it has many healing properties. This is not an old wives tale rather it’s a fact! White tea was more helpful than green…

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Yangtze River Cruise

Yangtze is a river of epic proportions, stretched across miles over the China mainland from its origin in Qinghai Province to the East China Sea, making it the third longest river in the world behind the Nile and Amazon. A journey along this river provides the most rarest and beautiful views of Mother Nature, exquisite wildlife, scattered industry belts, and…

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Do Something Exotic With Your Degree And Teach English In China

The demand for English teachers all over the world is growing quickly. As more countries interact with each other through business and other types of communication, the need for English speakers in foreign lands is growing. And nowhere is this need greater than in China. If you’re considering teaching English in China, you’ve chosen a challenging and competitive field. Every…

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Web Hosting

Investing In China Setting Up A Representative Office

Foreign investment in China started with a trickle in the early 1980s and has increased to the extent that China is now siphoning off a significant percentage of the world’s available foreign investment funding. With China’s accession to the WTO and the continuing vitality of its economy, this trend seems likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, China remains…

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Web Hosting

Invest In China Equity Markets

China’s economy may be growing at the rate of almost 10% a year but its domestic capital markets are in a dismal state, forcing the private sector to disproportionate reliance on foreign investment for capital (particularly hard currency). Its domestic bond market is underdeveloped, its banks are saddled with bad debts, and both the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets have…

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