
Cherries Are The Pick Of The Season

In the summer, life is a bowl of cherries. The long, warm days have produce sections brimming with big, juicy, sweet cherries. To promote the nutritional benefits of fresh produce, there’s the Pick of the Season, a public health initiative spotlighting seasonal fruit and vegetables, with recipes this quarter for cherries, a produce selection that travels from the great Northwest…

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Red And Luscious Cherries Make Tempting Desserts Easy To Prepare Cherry Spumoni Can Be A Hit At Parties Reunions And Backyard Barbecues

It’s a great time to enjoy one of America’s favorite fruits. Whether on their own, baked in a pie, mixed in yogurt parfaits or made into ice cream, cherries are popular with people young and old. Tart cherries, the kind most famous in pies, are seldom sold fresh because they are highly perishable. However, canned, frozen and dried tart cherries…

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Cherry Juice Can Alleviate Arthritis

Drinking just one ounce, or two tablespoons, of tart concentrated cherry juice every day can help alleviate arthritis pain. That’s because tart cherries, specifically Montmorency tart cherries, contain anthocyanins and two important antioxidants: isoqueritrin and queritrin. Anthocyanins create cherries’ dark red pigment. Arthritis inflammation and pain is caused by the hormone prostaglandin; it is directly related to two enzymes that…

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Alternative Medicine

Constipation Home Remedies Using Juices

Apple Juice, Figs and Raisins Here’s another constipation home remedy using apple juice with other fruit. Eat it the first thing in the morning before breakfast. In a blender, put in a cup of fresh apple juice. Add equal amounts of dry or fresh figs and raisins and a small organic apple. Choose how many figs and raisins to use.…

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