Interior Design

Green Furniture Fad Or Fabulous

Enter almost any home today and you are immediately hit with a number of air-borne pollutants that you cannot even see. This occurs in any home, office or other space where furniture and fabrics are used. Over the last few years, a new method of furniture making has been occurring. Green furniture or eco-friendly furniture is a new buzzword for…

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Fruit Trees

How To Safely Spray Pesticide

If you want to protect your fruit tree from pests during the summer, this is almost impossible to accomplish without the use of pesticides or chemicals. This might scare some people into thinking that the actual fruits will contain traces of the chemicals. If you do things correctly, you can get rid of all the pests and not infect the…

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How To Exercise Without Moving A Muscle

Increasing numbers of medical clinics use supervised sauna bathing for detoxifying the body of toxic chemicals. Programs typically follow the “Hubbard Method”, a regime based primarily on nutritional supplementation, sauna therapy, and exercise. Other names used for similar programs include: BTR (aka Bio Toxic Reduction Therapy), Hyperthermic Detoxification, Sauna Therapy, the Physical Therapy/Detoxification Program, Heat-Stress Therapy etc. For simplification, they…

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Home Improvement

Choose Your Carpet Cleaning Chemical Carefully

You spent a lot of money for your carpeting. It makes perfect sense to take care of it. These days everything seems to be getting better and better… your carpet cleaning chemical is no different. There are many carpet cleaning chemicals available on the market today, and the correct choice depends on the job you need done. Carpet cleaning chemicals…

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Health Fitness

Room Air Purifiers Helping You Fight For Health

Room air purifiers are, for many people, fast becoming a necessity, rather than a luxury item. For those who suffer with allergies or asthma, or simply experience a violent reaction to one of the hundreds of chemicals that is routinely used around our homes these days, a room air purifier or a whole house air purifier can bring long-awaited relief.…

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Womens Issues

Fragrance Is It Natural

95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. It has been estimated that more than 3000 different chemmcials are used in fragrance production. Do these figures shock you? Yes, manufacturers are very clever – we see the packaging and the adverts showing flowers and nature, and we assume (as the manufacturer intends us to assume) that…

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The Advantages Of Organic Wine

Wine is an alcoholic beverage that is made up from water and grape juice. It goes through a fermenting process that increases it flavor. Because of the high demand of wines, many vintners have developed ways to protect their vineyards from pests and other insects that love to eat the grapes and the plants. They have also developed way to…

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Hair Loss

Prevent Hair Loss With Good Grooming And Care

Hair is fairly strong and can generally withstand normal grooming techniques. However, there can be thinning or breakage of hair due to poor grooming habits, and following several tips can prevent these bouts of thinning and breakage. Avoid combing hair with fine-toothed combs when wet, as this is a common cause of breakage. Although this is a tempting practice because…

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Ridding Your House Of Fleas

Chances are if you have pet’s you have had to deal with the almost inevitable flea infestation. All pet owners know that once a flea infestation has gripped your living space it can be the start of a long battle. In order to properly rid you home and pets of fleas you will treat the infestation as a whole. The…

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