
Charity Car Donation Which Charity Should You Choose

If you have done any research into the area of used car donation programs then you will know that there are many charities that are able to receive your car as a donation. Many are eager to take your vehicle from you but you can’t decide which one is right charity to donate to. After all you only have one…

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Recreation Sports

What Is A Dunk Tank

Dunk tanks are fun at festivals and can rise a lot of money. Most dunk tanks are so easy to set up it only takes one person and it is easy to maintain and operate one as well. Obviously, the person will fall when a lever is hit and they will fall into water hence the name “Dunk tank”. You…

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Home Family

Help Those In Need With A Charity Donation

Many of us consider the opportunity to go to school and learn, or to have clean water and fresh food on your table something very normal, we can’t imagine life without these simple things. But in many poor countries these things are considered a luxury. The children that are born in these countries have a dark future ahead of them,…

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Donating Cars To Charity New Tax Rules

On June 3, 2005, the IRS released guidance on charitable deductions for donated vehicles. The American Jobs Creation Act (AJCA) radically changed the amount of the deduction taxpayers can claim for their donated car. Fair Market Value v. Actual Sales Price When donating a car to charity, a taxpayer traditionally was allowed to deduct the fair market value. The new…

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