
Reversing Mother Nature Part Two

We talked to North America’s leading In Situ Leach (ISL) uranium mining engineers, and had them explain exactly how ISL worked. Most of the significant ISL operations in the United States were designed and/or constructed by these engineers. They explained how ISL mining is really just reversing the process of Mother Nature. ISL EXTRACTION AND PROCESSING During ISL mining, water…

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Checking And Charging Motorcycle Batteries

How are Motorcycle Batteries Rated? The amp/hour (AH) capacity is the basis for rating motorcycle batteries. For example, a 12AH battery can produce one amp of current flow for 12 hours, or two amps for six hours. In order to calculate the amount of time needed to use up a fully charged motorcycle battery by turning the lights on, we…

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Why Lighting Happens During A Thunderstorm

A dramatic concoction of electrical discharges and loud thunders along with torrential downpour, hail and sometimes snow is a thunderstorm. Everyday about 40000 thunderstorms occur in the world, most commonly in the equatorial region and in the United States, specifically in the Midwest and the South of the nation. Moisture, instable climate and air lift are the three primary causes…

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5 Dazzling Ways To Make Any Woman Fall In Love With You

“I don’t get it!…” “I’ve a nice car. I’m accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even wear the latest Armani! Why doesn’t she flip for me? Why am I always alone??” STOP! How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question? The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill…

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Get The Best Credit Card Deal

Payments are made via credit card for bills for purchases made or services availed of. The issuer of the credit card lends money to the consumer or the cardholder by meeting the commitment for these bills on their behalf. In turn, the cardholder pays the money bank to the lender according to the terms and conditions of the lender with…

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Credit Cards Rules And Fees

Learn about the costs and rules of the card. What is the annual fee and are there any costs in acquiring the credit card? What is the interest going to be after the initial 90-day teaser interest rate vanishes? What is your credit limit and what is the penalty if you go over the limit? How and when can your…

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The Pionic Proof Of The Precise Down Up Quark Mass Differential

For a number of years now the Particle Data Group ( has listed the measured mass difference between the charged and neutral pions as being equal to 4.5936 (with an experimental uncertainty = .0005) MeV. While this mass-difference is attributed to the added electric component of the charged state, one theoretically can equivalently derive the mass of the neutral pion…

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Wealth Building

A Mortgage Without Fees

Let’s face it, no one likes paying a charge if they don’t have to. And when it comes to mortgages, where the expense can already be onerous, avoiding fees can seem like a good idea. But is it possible to get a mortgage without paying any fees? The answer is – almost certainly not! Even if you manage to avoid…

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Home Improvement

Electronic Air Filters An Overview

If you think your Air Conditioning unit is just giving you cool air, you can think again. Air conditioning is not just about controlling the temperature; it also concerns purifying the air around you. This it does by means of a simple process of filtration. When exposed to unfiltered/unclean air continuously we, who breathe it in, might end up with…

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Home Improvement

Air Purifiers Eliminate Indoor Air Pollutants

Air contamination control has become increasingly significant in our day-to-day lives. Polluted air is a major cause of concern for families whose members have different allergies and asthma. Hence, we should be very concerned about the quality of air that we breathe. It is difficult to eliminate all the air pollutants but air purifiers can clean the air to some…

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