
What A New Writer Has To Know About Creating A Character

What is the soul of a story? Some people say the plot, some others say the characters. I say, it’s both. But now, I’d like to talk about characters. How do you create a character? Here are some ways used by writers out there in creating the characters in their story: What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0…

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Getting A Domain Name For Top Value

Wherever you look at, there are several various means for getting a domain name that is right along with many ways to look for inspiration for a new domain name to register. In fact, certain sites provide some solutions for getting a domain name which is right and good, but despite such availability of some resources, still many people are…

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Product Reviews

School Days It Could Happen To You

The Japanese video game industry, particularly the eroge segment of it, has produced some odd storyline and characters over the years. Games of this sort, generally labeled as “dating sims” by unaware Western audiences, have a set of stock character archetypes that developers tend to inevitably draw upon. Games of this sort also tend to be set in idyllic, happy…

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Seven Ways To Connect Your Writing And Your Life

An important question for any artist is: How can I built a career and simultaneously be true to myself? It’s an important question, and during the twenty years I’ve taught writing, hundreds of students have expressed the belief that success and personal integrity are mutually exclusive. The Lifewriting What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0…

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Google Best Search Engine Optimization Seo Practices Part 3

The third part of this article will concentrate on the meta tags area of the optimization for Google. I will mention them in the order they should normally appear in the source code. I will review 5 essential meta areas. The DTD statement. This should be the first tag of the head section of your code. The Document Type Definition…

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Arts Entertainment

Types Of Actors

All humans are actors to some extent. This sounds Shakespearean but it is very true. Many times we have done what we do not like and many times we begin to like what we are doing. We represent those very feelings on stage or before the camera in the form of characters. The person’s who enact those characters are actors.…

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