Wealth Building

Bankruptcy Trustee Is Advocate For Creditors

When a client and their attorney file for bankruptcy it is not automatically presumed that everything listed on the petition is the exact truth. Attorneys generally will not file any claims knowing they are not accurate, but then again, the attorney is relying on the client’s honesty to insure all the appropriate information is available. In the majority of bankruptcy…

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Wealth Building

Most Common Reasons For Filing Bankruptcy

One of the most debilitating things someone can go through is filing for bankruptcy. No one thinks this possible could happen to them until reality sets in and bankruptcy is the last resort. This usually happens when someone is unable to keep up with their financial obligations such as car loans or credit card payments. Not only is it rough…

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Wealth Building

Connecticut Bankruptcy Law Exemptions That Help Protect Creditors

There are certain exemptions related to the Connecticut bankruptcy law that helps protect creditors when a debtor files bankruptcy in Connecticut. One also has the choice in Connecticut to avail of federal exemption statutes instead of the Connecticut exemptions, and it is also possible to use federal supplemental exemptions in conjunction with the Connecticut exemptions. Debtors don’t Necessarily Lose Everything…

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Wealth Building

Types Of Debtor Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is defined as legal situation in which a debtor cannot fulfill their monetary obligations. Debtor bankruptcy is when the person who owes the money files for it. There are six types of debtor bankruptcy, but the two most common are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is for businesses Chapter 7 is called liquidation, and it is…

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Wealth Building

What Bankruptcy Can Do For You And What It Can T Do

While bankruptcy is sometimes the ideal solution for individuals who have buried themselves under excessive debt, it isn’t the answer to all debt problems. Unfortunately, not all debts can be completely erased by a bankruptcy- and in some cases, the debts cannot even be reduced or placed in a repayment plan under a Chapter 13 or through a debt management…

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Personal Finance

Debt Settlement Why The Critics Are Wrong

A lot more people are becoming interested in debt settlement as an alternative to bankruptcy. That’s because a new bankruptcy law was enacted on October 17, 2005, which means a rude awakening for many consumers seeking a fresh start in bankruptcy court. It used to be that 7 out of 10 people filing personal bankruptcy were granted Chapter 7 status,…

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The New Bankruptcy Means Test Explained In Plain English

With the new bankruptcy law in effect as of October 17, 2005, there is a lot of confusion regarding the new “means test” requirement. The means test will be used by the courts to determine eligibility for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The purpose of this article is to explain in plain language how the means test works, so…

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Wealth Building

Buying Into Financial Woes

Over two million consumers filed for bankruptcy last year. Before you decide that you need to file for bankruptcy, as a consumer you should do the research and find out exactly what it is and whether you are truly in need of it. There is a difference between consumer bankruptcies and municipal bankruptcies. Consumer bankruptcy is the most common since…

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Wealth Building

The Facts About Repossession And How It Works

When you face repossession of your home or your car, you may need to declare bankruptcy to save them. If creditors have a valid lien or mortgage on either your vehicle or you real estate filing bankruptcy will temporarily stop any repossession process. If you have already had your car or home repossessed (foreclosed on, in the case of your…

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