
There Are No Secrets To Success

There Are No Secrets To Success As you strive toward accomplishing your goals and dreams you need to know that there are no secrets to success! Webster’s Dictionary defines a secret as something kept from public knowledge; something mysterious that is beyond general knowledge or understanding. If that were true then it would mean success is only possible for those…

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Time Management

The Art Of Daydreaming

When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience before her and enters into her own image. ~ Meister Eckhart ~ Do you have any idea what you think about all day? It sounds like a silly question, but most of us don’t actually observe the drama that’s constantly going on inside our heads. You’ve…

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Self Improvement

Power Inside Everyone

The most common mistake done when evaluating specific features of the person is associating strong will with a character from a movie that does impossible things, saves the world and creates an unforgettable impression on anyone watching him in action. The reality is a bit different and we realize that we are no supermen and will never become ones. Real…

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Self Improvement

How To Stop Change Stressing You Out

One of the biggest triggers for an episode of stress, depression or anxiety is a change to our lives, particularly unwanted change such as a death of a loved one, a job loss or a relationship breakdown. These are unpleasant experiences and for many, a prolonged period of mental trauma followed. During the past week, two friends of mine have…

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