
Shopping For Health

Like many teens, my sons read the cereal box panels at breakfast. A few weeks ago, they noticed the health claims on our Whole Grain Total cereal box and asked me what they meant. You may be wondering the same thing. Health claims on food packages help people shop for foods that are linked with prevention of certain diseases. “Several…

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The Health Of High Fiber Cereals

The thought of eating a high fiber cereal makes some people cringe. It’s probably because for a long time those cereals did not taste much better than chipped cardboard. There have been many studies that all point to the very important benefits to your health from eating whole grains. With these studies at the forefront of the health food industry,…

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Health Fitness

Folic Acid For A Healthy Self

Everyone knows about vitamins. There are many common vitamins that we are familiar with, and their functions. Vitamin C is known to be good for the skin, while Vitamin A is good the for the eyes. Vitamin D is often called the “sun vitamin”. These are the ones that many people think of when they think of vitamins. However, there…

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A Week S Worth Of Tips For Empty Nesters

My former neighbor, Mary Young, a relatively new empty nester, remarked on how free she feels with her nine kids out of the house. This feeling is common. Joy Smith, author of “The Empty Nest Cookbook,” encourages people to take advantage of it: “For the first time in years you can cook because you want to, not because you must.…

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Is Your Baby Ready For Solid Foods

Your little one is growing like a weed and drinking you out of house and home. You may be wondering if your little one is ready for some solid food. Here are a few tips to help you determine if your baby is ready to take the next step. Gone are the days when anxious moms start their little ones…

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Nothin Like The 80 S

Are you one of the many people who seem to still be stuck on the 80’s? Ok, so it was something like “a big deal”, but do you ever wonder what it is exactly that makes the 80’s so darn special? It seems like the 80’s has even made a killer impression on the kids of this generation. For instance,…

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