Home Family

Why Do We Celebrate Fun Birthdays

Apart from the obvious answer about why we celebrate fun birthdays… have you ever stopped to think about this age-old tradition? Birthdays date way back in history to a time when people originally feared evil spirits. These evil spirits were thought to be more active on the day of your birth. Family and friends would gather in a circle around…

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Don T Forget Anniversary Cards

Anniversaries are some of the most important events that we celebrate. While we mostly celebrate the anniversary of weddings, there are many other kinds of anniversaries that can be celebrated. Get creative and allow your family and friends to celebrate with each other many significant happenings. For example, why not have an anniversary of the first test your child got…

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Celebrating Saint Patrick S Day

St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland is believed to have brought Christianity to Ireland in the fourth century. He is believed to have removed many practices followed by pagan religions during that time. He is famous for having driven away all the snakes from Ireland, which refers to the practice of snake worshipping. He is thought to have died…

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Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary

Getting married is by far one of the most significant and exciting events that can take place in life. If you are already married, then you know all about the process of wedding planning and of actually making it through your wedding day. You know all about the weeks or months of strssful planning and careful decision making that go…

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Group Helps Women Celebrate Their Lives

I’ve been there, right where you might find yourself today: unfulfilled, unappreciated, unhappy and unable to make my life different. No matter how much I gave of myself all day long, at home and at work and in the community, it was never enough. No matter how exhausted I was at the end of the day, I was never able…

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Home Family

Birthday Let Us Deserve To Celebrate It

Every day is the same day. Days differ only in few ways- weather conditions, sunrise and sunset time. Otherwise all the days are same. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This has been going on since billions of years and will continue, till the cosmos collapses. Then why do we treat a day different than…

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Feasts And Festivals Celebrating As A Community

Feasts or festivals showcase a community’s unique aspects and beliefs. Historically, religions hold a set of celebrations to give honor to their god or gods. The term ‘feast’ in secular parlance means a large or elaborate meal. In connection to festival, it usually refers to a religious festival other that a film or art festival. Festivals: Origins The term festival…

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Why Do We Celebrate Birthdays

Why do we celebrate birthdays? What is it that we are toasting? Is it the fact that we have survived another year against many odds? Are we marking the progress we have made, our cumulative achievements and possessions? Is a birthday the expression of hope sprung eternal to live another year? None of the above, it would seem. If it…

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Travel Tips

Plan Your Thailand Vacation Based On Thai Holidays

Since it is already 2008, or 2551 on the Thai calendar, it is time to take a look at the Thai holidays so that you can plan your trip accordingly. Some people want to be in Thailand when there is a holiday and partake in the celebration and others want to avoid some holidays (i.e. Songkran) like the plague. Traditional…

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