Disease Illness

Fly Around The World Reviewing Casinos

Do you have a story of something that happened in a casino that is so unbelievable that no one believes you when you tell it? If so this contest is for you. The more bizarre the story, the better your chances of winning the contest will be, but all stories must be true. Online-Casinos-789.com started an Unbelievable Tales from the…

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How To Learn About Gambling

Many people use casino gambling as a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood. It is very common for males to go to the casinos on their 18th birthday for some fun, and usually they come back with no money left in the bank. But it does not matter why you decide to gamble if you are going to do…

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Recreation Sports

Counting Cards How To Escape Detection

It is not a secret for anyone that casinos do not like blackjack counters and frequently ask them to leave or to play another game. Here, we will describe how casino management detects counters and how to act when caught. We also describe the countermeasures that casinos use against skilled players but most of all we show you how to…

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Health Fitness

The Effects Of The Banning Online Gambling

Everyone talks about the negative impact of online gambling, but they are not talking about the negative impact of banning online gambling. A reason for banning online casinos was to make sure that underage children were not using thee parents credit cards to gamble online, but besides the fact that most online casinos did everything possible to ensure to verify…

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Belgium Casinos

The beautiful nation of Belgium is strategically placed between France and Germany as a conduit for tourist activity. Many tourists journey through Belgium to experience the natural beauty, culture, and history of the Belgian people. However, vacations can’t be all about museums and walking tours. Young couples, groups of friends, and others who want to have some fun in Belgium…

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Arts Entertainment

Easy Games To Play For Fun

Get acquainted with a practical guide on the easiest games that you can play online. And once you read this article, you will find that you have at least stopped losing all your money. If you follow the advice well and to the dot, you will also learn how to start winning cash from other players or by beating the…

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How To Become A Vegas Showgirl

All of the big Las Vegas casinos put on shows to attract crowds to the casino, and instead of hiring new dancers every time the change the show, they hire full time dancers and these girls are called Showgirls. If you have ever thought about putting elaborate costumes and dancing in front of crowds every night, then becoming a Vegas…

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Home Family

How To Improve Your Odds In The Casinos

One of the most important things to remember when playing in a land based casino is that the layout of the casino is designed to pull you into the games with the worst player odds. To help pull you further into the casino the casinos will usually use the bells and whistles of slot machines, and video poker games. This…

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Kenya Casinos

When one thinks about visiting Kenya, they seldom wonder what kind of gambling opportunities exist in the region. Yet, there are a number of casinos in Kenya that can prove the perfect location to plan one’s next vacation. So, just how many Kenya casinos are there and where are to be found? There is a total of thirteen Kenya casinos,…

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Haiti Casinos

Haiti is situated in the Caribbean sharing the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. Haiti also constitutes other smaller islands such as Les Cayemites, Ile de Anacaona, La Gonave, La Tourtue or Tortuga, and the uninhabited island of Navasse, shared with the US. There are only two Haiti casinos available for your gambling pleasures, and both are situated in…

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