Disease Illness

Traveling Exhibit Offers Closer Look At Cancer

A unique, interactive exhibit is traveling to 12 cities nationwide to educate health-conscious and at-risk people about cancers from the top of the body to the bottom – skin, oral, breast, prostate, lung and colorectal. The Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation’s Check Your Insides Out -From Top to Bottom exhibit features six hands-on, family-friendly learning stations that enable visitors to:…

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What Every Man Needs To Know To Stay Healthy

In today’s fast-pace world, who has time to worry about health? There is just too much to do. With the demanding responsibilities of school and work, it becomes stressful just to squeeze in time to relax. Tight schedule tactics are key. As every shrewd planner knows, the maintenance of personal health is essential. Health problems will most often monopolize the…

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Health Fitness

Your Chances Of Surviving Cancer

Understanding cancer is not difficult if we start looking at cancer from the inside. The cancer starts in the cells, and Cells can break off from a malignant tumour and start to grow in another part of the body, this is known as a secondary tumour. Cells in these tumors are abnormal and divide without control or order. They can…

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss As An Added Bonus

The truth is that the astounding weight loss being achieved on the green tea diet is just one of the numerous miracle-like benefits of simply drinking green tea. Green tea diet is also widely recognized as a substance that can protect against many different cancers such as stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer of the colon, oral cancer, prostate cancer, and…

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Colon Treatment For Getting Rid Of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the major diseases that claim thousands of lives every year in the USA. The reason has been attributed to American people’s fetish for low fiber-high cholesterol diet. Add to it the lack of physical movement and tensions of modern day living and you will see the reason why USA is one of the five countries…

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Health Fitness

Tobacco Warning Even Non Smokers Are At Risk

Smoking or puffing a cigarette is a vice that literally enslaves millions of people around the world. It is amazing how a small roll of finely cut tobacco, enclosed in a thin, paper wrapper could cause so much addiction. More than just an addiction, smoking is a very serious health risk. In fact, the World Health Organization says that smoking…

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Health Fitness

Common Causes Of Lung Cancer

There are a various risk factors that are linked to lung cancer. The most common known causes are as follows: Cigarette Smoking Cigarette smoking is probably the most closely related link to developing lung cancer. A person who smokes two packs or more of cigarettes per day has a one in seven chance of developing lung cancer. Those that smoke…

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Breast Cancer

Is Tamoxifen Effective In Curing Breast Cancer

Tamoxifen, known in the trade as Nolvadex, is usually prescribed by specialists in breast cancer and is taken in pill form. A patient will stay on the drug for about five years. Often the woman’s cancer will be tested to see if it is sensitive to the amount of oestrogen in the system. If the cancer is oestrogen sensitive, tamoxifen…

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Simplest Way To Be Healed By Faith

Of all the ways our blessed Lord has given us for healing by faith, the following is the easiest. It must be ministered by the elders of the church. James gave us the instructions for this way of healing in the following Scriptures. James 5:14-15 14Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and…

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Prostate Cancer

Prostrate Cancer Treatment

Prostrate cancer is the disease which is found more in men than women. It can be cured if it is found in the initial stage, so no need to get tensed you can come out of it without any harm. Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Cancer…

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