
How To Cancel A Credit Card

If you are fed up with one of your credit cards or simply don’t use it, then perhaps is the right time to cancel that card. However, cancelling a card can be tricky, as the company obviously wants you to stay with them. If you follow these simple steps then cancelling a card can be hassle free and will not…

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Fine Print Can Make A Free Trial Expensive

Consumers often pay the price for not reading the fine print in trial offers for a service, such as a gym membership, a book club, subscription services or travel clubs. Some may forget that it is their responsibility to cancel during the trial if they do not want the product or service. Following these tips from the National Consumers League…

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A Free Tool That Will Change Your Life

We are living at an incredible time and anyone that is following the spiritual path knows that the earth is changing, which in effect, propels human beings to evolve/change as well. There is no escaping. Those that are resisting the changes because they are not aware of what is going on, their lives will show much turmoil and chaos. All…

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