Health Fitness

President Bush On Steroid Use In Sports

The United States President Bush in his State of the Union address 2004 urged team owners, players, coaches and union officials to crack down on steroid use in sports; in fact, urged them to eliminate steroids from sports. Speaking on steroid use in sports, the former owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team, President Bush called for pro sports leagues…

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Add Me To The List Mr Blair

The terrorists are winning. Gradually but perceptibly, the USA and the United Kingdom (UK) are shedding their liberal democratic veneer, axing their traditions, reinterpreting their constitution (USA) and case law (UK) and, thus, becoming police states. Both the US Patriot Act, recently extended by Congress and Tony Blair’s newly acquired powers to exclude and deport not only active terrorists but…

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Is Bush Ready To Cut And Run In Iraq

DETROIT — We are living under a regime that has made war and torture highly profitable for a handful of scummy corporations and individuals. That’s the way the Busheviks like doing business, keeping their dirtiest deeds in the hands of for-profit surrogates. Openness and accountability — hallmarks of a free society — have no place in the mad project to…

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Health Fitness

An African Bush Doctor S Prescription For Better Health

Bush Medicine is traditional herbal medicine- the oldest system of healing in the world. Bush medicine started in Africa about 30,000 years ago. In the African-Caribbean culture plants are referred to as “Bush” such as “fever bush” or “toothache bush and are revered for their healing and spiritual properties”. Every culture in world practiced and still practices bush medicine to…

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Year In Review Top 12 News Stories Of 2005

As yet another New Year dawns, it is time for us to look back on 2005 and view from the outside all that happened. There were joys, triumphs, and tears. That everything that happens is a learning experience is quite true. Among the many occurrences of 2005 news stories that were significant were: 1. Google made history in June 2005…

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Bush Gets Caught Swearing On Open Mika At G8 Summit

President Bush today uttered a colorful expletive while referring to Hezbollah in what he thought was a private conversation with British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The two were attending a lunch at a G8 summit and speaking candidly about the current situation in Israel, unaware there was an open mike in front of them. Bush said something to the effect…

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Bush Flirts With Fascism

DETROIT — The regime has already produced so many ignominious legacies that historians in the near future will be able to feast on the task of measuring the damage from the wretched deeds the Busheviks have wrought. Certainly, the unnecessary pre-emptive war in Iraq, sold with lies, will echo for generations as a symbol of America’s failed experiment in empire…

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