Home Improvement

Portals To Safety And Savings

Savvy homeowners are discovering they can open their home to safety and a wealth of other benefits with the help of impact-resistant windows and doors. The same technology that helps protect a home from a hurricane can also help prevent a burglar from breaking in, significantly reduce outdoor noise, block 99 percent of UV rays and cut energy costs. The…

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Home Security

Is A Dummy Home Security Camera Economical

A home security camera is one way to protect your home against would be burglars. A home security camera system is essentially one or more small cameras that are mounted, usually, on the exterior of your home to deter would be burglars. A home security camera typically works in conjunction with a home security system. In many cases the home…

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Home Security

The Importance Of A Home Security Alarm

Homeland securitization has been given so much importance over the past few years that we have almost forgotten the importance of our own house and the importance of a good home security alarm. While burglary in your property may not make the headlines, it is in your best interest to safeguard property by installing a good home security alarm. According…

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