Recreation Sports

Bullfight Blues

Spain’s notorious Bullfight is one of the most famous customs upheld by the Spanish. It draws attention worldwide from people who just love the sport, and also from many others who are agains’t this barbaric onslaught. I hasten to add that this kind of entertainment is not for me, but for many thousands that travel to watch a Bullfight they…

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Does A Faulty Barometer Herald A Storm For Stocks

Should you fire your financial advisor and hire a month in order to optimize your asset allocation? Probably so, if you believe proponents of a time-honored indicator of future stock market performance known as “The January Barometer.” The Barometer simply states that “As goes January, so goes the year,” and it’s racked up a seemingly remarkable forecasting record since well…

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Goal Setting

If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride

And if Bull frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their little rear-end when they landed. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that rushing all over the place you are being your most productive self. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that when you take time out for thought you are wasting your time. All play and no work makes Jack…

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Web Hosting

Understanding Vicious Stock Cycles

When investing in stocks it is important to monitor the stocks to determine whether it is performing as anticipated. Remember that the stock market is as unpredictable as a storm. Analysing the market is an art, not a science. That is why analysts tell investors, ‘When in doubt, get out.” Bull It is hard to get out when in a…

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Verbally Correcting One Dog When You Have Two

A poster from our discussion forum asked: “I have two dogs- – a Pit Bull and a Boston Terrier. I have read that you should not use the dog’s name and [the word]”No” together so that the dog does not associate negative feelings with his name. So how do I tell one dog “No,” without both feeling like they are…

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House Training Your Pit Bull Puppy

To begin the house training process with your Pit Bull puppy, you need to first determine a suitable place outside your house where he can relieve himself. Once you have found that place, give your puppy a little tour around to let him get acquainted with the new area. The next step is to restrict his freedom inside the house.…

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Advice On Adopting A Pitbull

Dear Adam: I purchased your book about 5 months ago, and I was hoping that might would “entitle” me to some advice. First, let me say that I’m very satisfied with my purchase. Not only does it give advice on specific techniques, but, more importantly, it explains the foundation of all training–timing, motivation, consistency–allowing the dog owner to better understand…

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