Travel Leisure

A Culture Fest In Barcelona

Barcelona is one of those cities you can visit again and again. Its fantastic location, within reach of some of Spain’s most beautiful coastline, together with its history, architecture and huge cultural programme is what makes it one of Europe’s most popular city destinations. So, how can you max-out on culture when you visit Barcelona? Here are just a few…

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The Benefits Of A Vertical Wheelchair Lift

Most of us take for granted the myriad of activities we perform on a daily basis – walking, running, and climbing stairs, among others. But for those who face physical challenges on a daily basis, the most commonplace of activities can be either difficult or impossible. For those who are wheelchair bound, climbing stairs is simply out of the question…

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Travel Tips

A Quick Guide To Morocco

Morocco has something of an aura about it – created mainly by the major tourist destinations of Marrakech, Casablanca, Fez and Rabat. Where is it? Morocco is on the North West coast of Africa, just across the sea from the southern tip of Spain. This means that it’s easy for most Europeans to reach by plane and even by road…

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Real Estate

Understanding Gothic Revival Architecture

Some architectural styles should never change. That’s likely what many builders thought in the early 1800s when Gothic architecture was re-discovered. With its tall, looming lines and intricate facades, the style was as relevant and attractive then as it was in its original period between the 12th and 16th century. Many Gothic Revival structures throughout the united states have been…

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Hello From Ottawa A Brisk Morning Walk To Parliament Hill

One of the interesting features of Ottawa is its architecture and Ottawa has many heritage sites. Parliament Hill with its historical neo-Gothic buildings was an area I wanted to discover in more detail. Friday night, just after we arrived in town I was able to snap a few pictures, just before the sun went down. Saturday morning I got up…

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