
Home Detox 101 4 Quick Tips For Easy Affordable Detoxing At Home

Heading to a spa for an all-out cleanse may not always be possible, fortunately there’s plenty we can do ourselves to evict unwelcome elements! Here are 4 quick tips for easy and affordable detoxing at home. 1. Skin brushing Dry skin brushing greatly benefits the lymphatic system. It helps in the elimination of toxins and removes dead skin cells. Regular…

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Tips For Summer Vacation Ready Body

So here you are daydreaming about your much awaited summer vacation and imagining about all the great fun you will be having. But you stop in mid-dream as your visions get squashed with an image of you wearing an oversized shirt with hefty shorts to match or perhaps disguise and hide those awful body bumps that you wish you did…

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Hair Loss

Prevent Hair Loss With Good Grooming And Care

Hair is fairly strong and can generally withstand normal grooming techniques. However, there can be thinning or breakage of hair due to poor grooming habits, and following several tips can prevent these bouts of thinning and breakage. Avoid combing hair with fine-toothed combs when wet, as this is a common cause of breakage. Although this is a tempting practice because…

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Health Fitness

Steps To Win The War Against Gum Disease

A lack of good dental hygiene can cause you to lose more than your teeth. It can be life-threatening. Recent studies show that gum disease, an infection of the tissues that support your teeth, is linked to three main killers: heart disease, diabetes and respiratory disease. Unfortunately, gum disease is quite common, affecting three in four adults over 35 in…

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Is Your Diet Giving You Bad Breath

More than 37 percent of the U.S. population is dieting at any given time. Some of the most popular diet programs in existence today rely on restricting or nearly eliminating the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Unfortu-nately, the high-protein, low-carb diet craze has brought with it a side effect-really bad breath, or as it is known in the scientific…

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Tips On How To Groom Your Cat

Before we begin to give you additional information on this topic, take a moment to think about what you already know. Cats are basically very tidy creatures. They are in the habit of grooming themselves by licking every part of their body clean with their tongue. This habit of tongue-bathing has several benefits to your pet cat: – promotes better…

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Interior Design

Bathroom Mirrors

A room designed for flushing crap and washing away city’s grime must have a mirror to convince you that the person you look at after the scrubbing and brushing is all set for the slog and toil again. From using the dental floss and brushing the teeth to scrubbing, shaving and eyebrow pricking bathroom mirrors are a must have. Ranging…

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The Basics Of Brushing

Brushing and flossing are something we all learn at an early age. The proper way to brush your teeth takes less than 2 minutes, although many people tend to spend much longer, or much less. Most adults tend to spend less than a minute, which isn’t enough time to clean your teeth. To get the right amount of time brushing,…

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