Home Family

Air Purifiers Cleaning The Air

The 21st Century has brought us many advances. The progress industry has been through changed everything around it and the environment is suffering its effects. The air is the means of transportation – and consequently, the means by which microorganisms get spread, more commonly that ever before. It’s pretty easy for an epidemic to get spread through the air and…

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Health Fitness

6 Simple Breathing Exercise To Deal With Stress

Breathing is something we all do during our life time. We all know we are going to die if we are not breathing. Breathing is a reflex action done by our body to provide the flow of oxygen around the body to the vital organs. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children…

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Yoga And The Breath

Your yoga practice and the way you breathe are intertwined. You won’t fully experience the benefits of yoga without first learning how to breathe properly. Different types of yoga practice call for different types of breathing, so it is important to note from the beginning that there is no one right way to breathe in yoga. If, in your yoga…

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Home Improvement

Home Air Purifier What You Need The Most

Air purifiers of late have grown at an astonishing pace that is sure to take your breath away. Speaking of which, the air that you breathe pretty much decides the life that you will lead and therefore needs to be accorded prime importance to ensure a good quality of living. Unlike the past, the latest advances in air purifiers, especially…

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Weight Loss

Fidgeting The Natural Weight Loss Diet

It’s now official. The simple act of fidgeting can mean the difference between lean and obese. It’s the natural weight loss diet. My friend likes to relate a story from time to time about when he was just a lad. His grandfather called him “Worm”, because he fidgeted so much. And between you and me, it can get rather annoying.…

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Time Management

Breathing And Stress

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Martial Arts

Beating Stress With Martial Arts

Are you a busy executive or mom trying to do everything? Are you getting so stressed out that it seems like you’re not accomplishing anything? If so, you can use martial arts to combat that stress! Many of the skills and techniques used in martial arts training are the same skills and techniques you can use to rid your body…

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Alternative Medicine

How To Fight The Common Cold And Flu

Symptoms of cold & flu A runny or blocked nose, sore throat, sneezing, cough, headache and mild fever are all signs of the common cold. Flu symptoms are similar but the fever is usually higher, alternating with chills and accompanied by sweating, aches and pain and fatigue. Why we get cold and flu ? Many different viruses can cause colds…

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Stress Management

Achieve Instant Calm The Wise Woman Way

For instant calm, Susun Weed suggests one or more of the following simple calming exercises, herbal allies, or movements, and can give you more details on how and why they work: Unfreeze yourself: Curl up in a fetal position (on your side with keens drawn up), breathe deeply, and hum. You may want to rock back and forth. Concentrate on…

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What Is Meditation How To Meditate

Meditation is a group of mental training techniques .You can use meditation to improve mental health and capacities, and also to help improve the physical health. Some of these techniques are very simple, so you can learn them from a book or an article; others require guidance by a qualified meditation teacher. WHAT IS MEDITATION Most techniques called meditation include…

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