Time Management

Study Time Means To Rest

Memorization, understanding and remembering important facts are all part of the studying process. Most people have probably dreaded studying and students now are still probably dreading about it or whenever it approaches. It is strenuous indeed, using all your mind’s might to remember the details and important information about a subject. But there are easier, and brain-friendly ways how one…

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Computers Technology

What Is Ram

RAM is a moniker for Random Access Memory. It acts as a short-term memory much like the human brain to store a wealth of information. The RAM is accessible through the computer’s brain called the CPU which stands for Central Processing Unit. RAM has the capability of being retrieved only while a computer is on. When the computer is turned…

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Health Fitness

Common Psychoactive Treatments

In the old days, people rely on medicine men, oracles, and even the position of the stars to find a cure for various illnesses. Much for what was considered as medicine were merely based on myth and superstition. But with the advent of modern medicine, people became more aware of scientific means of diagnosing and treating illnesses. Medications, or drugs…

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What Is The Future Of Prosthetics

The emergence of inventive new materials, engineering breakthroughs, and advances in microtechnology has served as the catalyst for innovation in modern prosthetics development. As a result of these advances, modern prostheses are more lightweight, more responsive, and more comfortable than models developed even just a few years ago. Wearers of prostheses have more options than ever before, allowing amputees to…

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Disease Illness

Seizure Disorder Epilepsy

A chronic neurological condition, Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent and unprovoked seizures. Epilepsy is most commonly controlled through the use of various medications, but can sometimes patients will even undergo surgical procedures to try and further control the condition. As mentioned above the main characteristic of epilepsy is the presence of recurrent and unprovoked seizures, this is the main diagnosis…

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Nutrients For Brain Health

The brain is clearly one of the most important parts of our body. With many of the processes and functions of the brain still not fully understood, it can be difficult to tell exactly what you need to help make it function properly. There are some supplements on the market, however, which clearly display a remarkable effect on the health…

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Mental Math Practice Worksheets

Today, we all know the importance of learning and marveling at mathematics. And every time we visit our children’s schools we see Chinese and Indian students marveling at SATs. And we all know why they succeed in Engineering and Medical fields. Answer is quite simple, they are good at Math. But why are they so good? How did they study…

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Self Improvement

Intelligence Quotient Increase Yours Today

Would you like to increase your intelligence quotient or IQ? You can use brain power exercises and techniques designed to help you long-term, but what if you want a quick brain fix right now? Maybe you have an important meeting coming up, or a crucial test, or just a chess game you don’t want to lose. If you want fast…

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Arts Entertainment

A Sudoku A Day Exercises The Brain

Negative issues are usually associated with addiction. Drug abuse, excessive drinking, and even too much gambling are all negative activities that are highly addictive. But if there is one kind of addiction that is actually beneficial for adults and kids alike, it would be an addiction to sudoku puzzles. Researchers rank solving sudoku puzzles daily among the top ten non-traditional…

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